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Lets face it, this generation is a little bit different than older generations to say the least, a time when 'apple' was something you ate and ‘windows’ were mainly for staring out of, especially at school!  Cell phones, internet, social media, violent movies, advertisements, disrespectful music, these are just a few things that affect this generation, they’re surrounded by negativity!  It’s not easy to be a child, teen or a parent today, we are here to support you and your child.

  • Did you know that having a positive role model outside of the family significantly reduces the risk of drug and alcohol use?

  • Teenagers/kids who have positive role models have greater self-esteem and perform better in school than teenagers without role models.

  • When a child/teen knows how to give respect and feel respected, the child/teen is less likely to lash out.

  • Role models can inspire people to overcome their difficulties and achieve success.

Role models have an astounding effect on the lives of young people in our community.  Role models help youth to discover how they wish to become in the future.

Our #1 priority is to create a strong foundation in as many children and teens as we can.

Through different activities, talks and creative outlets, Soul 2 Soul empowers teens and children to:

  1. Identify negative and limiting beliefs about themselves

  2. Create a positive mindset

  3. Identify personal morals, values and life beliefs (building a foundation)

  4. Relieve stress/ learn to quiet the mind

  5. Create goals

  6. Focus on gratitude

  7. Have respect for themselves and others

  8. Healthy boundaries

  9. Find a passion

  10. Get involved with the community

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